Does your car need new tires? It can be difficult to know exactly where you should be starting. If you put the wrong tires on your car, you can reduce gas mileage and efficiency overall.

It can also increase the level of wear and tear you need to deal with. The following tips are a great place to start when trying to figure out the process of buying new tires. 

Don’t Be Cheap

In some cases, less is more, but when it comes buying tires for your vehicle, it is wise to invest a little more money on your initial purchase. Don’t succumb to prices that seem too good to be true. In many cases, dealers who sell used car tires are inconsistent and you’ll be right back in the repair shop within a few weeks. On average, all-season tires can last anywhere from 55,000 to 97,000 miles, but under inflation and high mileage can short this lifespan significantly. If possible, stick with a dealer or manufacturer that offers a prorated warranty on tread wear.

Know the Climate

Another important factor for car owners to consider is the climate they will be driving in. For example, living in a snowy region would require much more traction than a mild beachside locale. Make and model can also has a major impact on your car tires, so be prepared to research which tread styles are compatible with your vehicle. If you are concerned about ice and slippery roadways, performance tires are generally not recommended, but snow tires can carry a hefty price tag.  As a result, most people in the United States choose to equip their car with all-season tires for the perfect balance of traction and speed.

Increase Your Speed

For unprecedented handling, however, performance tires are optimized for smooth braking and corners, but they are primarily associated with sports cars and SUV’s. Now you might be thinking that all tires should perform well at standard highway speeds, but the truth is that car tires with a higher speed ranking are easier to handle due to short, stiff sidewalls and minimal flexing. Unfortunately, you will have to sacrifice in some areas, such as warranty duration and tread life. Some manufacturers do not even offer a warranty for performance tires because they do not want to be responsible for any damage that exceeds the posted legal limit.

Consider the Vehicle Type

As you analyze your individual preferences, remember to account for the make and model of your car. For example, a pickup truck or SUV needs tires that can carry a large load. That is why warranties for off-road car tires average no more than 70,000 miles, especially if you are towing other vehicles or hauling heavy equipment. For average sized sedans, ask the manufacturer what type of tires are available before trying to replace them on your own. Some cars are not equipped to handle performance tires, while others are not well-suited for heavy winter treads. These regulations were implemented to promote safety and reliability on the road.

Don’t Go Overboard

Ignoring the speed rating recommended for your car is an easy way to put yourself in danger. These limitations were established through rigorous testing and scientific studies to prevent accidents caused by unsafe car tires. Even if you don’t think going over your speed rating will hurt anything, it could have an effect on the way you handle your vehicle. If you lose control on a city street or highway, the results could be devastating, so appreciate the limitations imposed by the manufacturer rather than trusting your own judgement.

Conduct a Price Comparison

Above all else, you need to know where to shop for reasonable prices and guarantees. Thanks to the convenience of the internet, you can begin your search online by comparing local prices and installation costs. This should include mounting, balancing, and alignment, as well as disposal of your old car tires. For some people, warranty extras like lifetime replacements or rotations are worth the extra expense.

Using these six easy steps, you confidently walk into a dealership or garage and pick new tires for your vehicle. After all, your safety behind the wheel depends largely on proper inflation and tread thickness.

In the end, your car tires are like sneakers, designed to maximize comfort and performance, so take your time comparing prices and reviews.